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And even more

Process of creating is beautiful journey through unconsciousness and unknown. Why some symbols and images come to us all of a sudden? Or how is character born inside of one's body? There is something very mystic about creation - from the idea to embodiment. The amount of creations is endless. In the art world we create so many worlds every day. And sometimes they live no longer than a butterfly.

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Who I am


Born in 1990 in Poland.

All my life journey is about connecting mind and body experience. What one can say easier than other? How they complete each other?

I finished Cultural Studies in Warsaw (Poland). My biggest interest was pop culture. I was investigating how much does it work as new religiosity in modern times.

My theatre adventure started with mime and non verbal theatre. For some years I was a part of Warsaw Mime Centre Company. Creating together, performing and traveling made me experiencing theatre family and theatre itself as a second home.

I explored something very important for me – creating requires some kind of love and trust, not only to art, but to your partners too.

Theatre allows us to see other people in the way we could never see them in everyday life. Through theatre we can experience unknown and gain knowladge about ourselves. I don't know if it is therapy, it's more like Wonderland. Experiencing this dimension is changing 'the self'. Some may see it and ask 'what is it?'.

I don't know. Some things don't like to be named.

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Workshops for adults and teenagers:

  • acting

  • physical theatre

  • epression through the body



  • acting

  • creative

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