Behind my story, is another story and behind this story is an another story.
What happens when they meet in the same place and the same time?
Well, they sing the same song.
This is the title of my personal project which I made in 2019 in / LISPA.
I still think of it, it still sing in my blood.
With three women from UK, Israel, Basque Country we dived into the world on unknown, where the ghosts can talk. We wrote songs, we played instruments, we moved in the space. All to understand that while we are now we carry stories and people we can't see with our bare eyes. That's how these wonderful women came to us, from the Shadow World - Asma, Petra, Maria and Mar.
And they let us listen.
And let let us sing their stories.
Thank you:
Georgina Edwards,
Michal Schmueli,
Irene Hernando Etxeberria